Construction and operation
Construction is estimated to take approximately 24 weeks and will consist of:
- Improvement of farm tracks;
- creation of a temporary construction lay-down area;
- delivery of solar panels, batteries, mounting frames, and centralised inverters;
- installation of mounting frames, panels and inverters;
- construction of an onsite substation alongside cabling, ducting and backfilling;
- installation of deer fencing and security measures;
- site reinstatement and ecological enhancement (planting of wildflower meadow and hedgerows/trees);
- commissioning of the panels and grid connection;
- final site beautification (tidying of site and installation of final wildlife enhancements);
- demobilisation from site; and
- full energisation of site.

The temporary construction compound will be reinstated once all construction activity is complete. The construction of the compound using a geogrid base will facilitate easy removal and reinstatement.
Once built, an engineer will visit the site occasionally to carry out maintenance activities such as cleaning of
the panels and ensuring biodiversity improvements are maintained.